Meteo - Local Weather Forecasts and Hazard Alerts on an Interactive Map
American Farmers Markets - Healthy Eating and Local Organic Shopping
Museums UAE
Throw Like a Pro: A Baseball Injury Prevention App by Dr. Jim Andrews and Dr. Kevin Wilk
Boating Marine & Lakes
Milano Metro
Madrid Metro
Barcelona Metro Searcher
Valencia Metro
Roma Metro
Milano Metro AR
Barcelona Metro AR
Roma Metro AR
Madrid Metro AR
Valencia Metro AR
XcodeItalia Free
Barcelona de Tapas (AR)
Beer&Food BarFinder
Madrid de Tapas (AR)
Sava La Vita
Gift Card Redeem, built for Apple as a feature of iOS, iTunes, and the App Store, allows users to fluidly redeem gift cards using their iPhone camera.
Apple has adapted this machine vision algorithm for Apple Pay, and this feature in now used to seamlessly extract credit card information directly into Wallet.